Statement on North Korea's Latest Nuclear Test (Sept. 9,2016)
On September 9, 2016, DPRK seems to have conducted another nuclear test. Its scale of the explosion seems to be bigger than those of the previous tests, and DPRK government issued a statement claiming that it was a great success. We strongly condemn this one another nuclear test conducted by DRPK, which is not only a violation of UNSC resolutions but also is against long term wishes of all of us, especially the hibakushas (survivors from the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki) to eliminate nuclear weapons from the world. We would like to reemphasize that the repeated tests of nuclear weapons and missiles do not enhance security of DPRK and demand that "dialogue across the divides" to be implemented as soon as possible. Pugwash Japan pledges to continue to seek for such dialogue and contribute to peace and security in Northeast Asia.
Tatsujiro Suzuki
Chair, Pugwash Japan